Tuesday, January 2, 2018

HoC 5 is OUT!

Go here to purchase the digital version: Fourth Corner

The cards are stacked against Sarah and her friends. 
In the battle at the Tapestry, thousands of Lurkers are attacking. 
No one can be sure they'll survive.
People are dying and with them, magic.

Sarah had believed Taps would save them,
But Taps isn't on their side anymore.
The most powerful idolized Club ever has taken a new form.

Sarah thought the day couldn't get worse.
Until the Bone Lady showed up...

*The book was actually released on Dec. 19, 2017. I just haven't gotten it up here until now.

*Author Note: We will continue to work on HoC 6. We want to release it this year, but we don't know the exact date, yet.

-T. Erickson

TapsTapestry Comic Strips 1 & 2

Ok, without further ado, I'm posting (finally) the first 2 HoC comic strips:




*Author/Artist note: Please keep in mind, that these comics (unless stated otherwise) will chronologically take place between Bks 3 & 4, during nearly a 3 year period where Sarah and her friends are working on helping another character survive.

It's been a while since I announced I was working on these, but I'm getting back in the habit now. I'm hoping to eventually post one per week.

-T. Erickson

HoC 5 Update - Illustrations - Advanstic Comics

Hey HoC fans,

We're going to discuss the illustrations for HoC5! Yeah!

To warn you, this round, some of the pictures in book 5 will be my Advanstic style. "Advanstic" meaning advanced stick figures.


This is an advanstic comic I did, based off of Disney's Wreck-it-Ralph a while back. I took the idea of an average work day and just filled it in w/Sgt. Calhoun and Fix-it Felix being cute. Turned it into a "I'm thankful for you" card.

Back to HoC 5, the reason I did this is because it helped the illustrations go quicker for me and focuses more on expression/feeling of the chapter than the beauty of art.

I feel my advanstic conveys everything quickly. Here's hopin' you'll be able to get a good laugh out of the last chapter heading (Chapt. 31).

-T. Erickson