Monday, December 9, 2019

Checking in-(Spoilers if you haven't read our HOC series)-Updated 8-28-21

Hello Readers,

Today I added a new section to Miracle Millie, part 2. Miracle Millie

To explain my lack of attention to this blog, I've been helping my mother with Sundara, Queen of the Ammonites (The Chest of Souls beginning sequel) Sundara - Facebook. This book will have a brief mention of Taps in there if you know what to look for.

I figured since the Ancients in the COS series have made guest appearances in the HOC series, why wouldn't Taps have left some footprints in their world? Mom kindly placed her tracks there.


Ultimately, we've found out through our writing that Taps' mirrors are the main hub connection to other worlds (or books in this case). The portal mirrors branch out with a limitless reach. We purposefully stated that Sarah couldn't see the end of the hall that Taps keeps them in. That was an author's trick to allowing an unlimited amount of worlds (other books & characters) for Taps to investigate.

End of Spoiler.

Getting back to the COS universe, the original prequels and main series to COS won't mention Taps, because HOC wasn't fully written at that time. But now, the COS sequels will mention her. Yay!

Other books Taps (or others from the HOC universe) have been briefly mentioned in the following books so far:

1. Jeffery as an old man and Taps' voice in: Thorn - Amazon, in Chapter 19.

2. Taps and Jeffery in:  Eclipse Gate - Amazon, in Chapter 6.

3. The Tapestry in a painting: Sundara - Amazon, in Chapter 16.

4. Taps, Jeff, Prance, and a sword: Sons of Thunder, in Chapter (reveal once published).

More in the works...

So, yes, much is still going on. Mom is writing up a beautiful storm and I'm lucky enough to be right beside her during the hurricane! :D

-T. Erickson

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