Wednesday, April 22, 2015

HoC Bk1 Creatures: Octavious

Name: Octavious
Species: Dectopus
Class: Z
Description: Giant 10 legged octopus. Color is a light mint green (red with black splotches when angry). Each arm is 6 feet long.
Attack(s): Can use his 10 arms to attack and strangle.
Special attack(s): Will use any cutlery or pans if you enter into HIS kitchen unannounced!
Defense(s): Squirts ink to blind you.
Known factsTaps and Jeffery are the only ones who can enter the kitchen without permission. Don't insult his cooking by not eating it...that could land you in "hot water". 
Known History: Given to Taps by the *Lady Soline as a gift, when he’d just hatched.
Tame: No.
Weakness(es): Crustaceans (crab, lobster, etc)
Current Status: Alive

Last known Location: Tapestry’s Kitchen (He’s the chef and PROUD of it!)

*Lady Soline is actually a character from another series that Michelle wrote. She's the dominant character in the book: Fathom's Deep.

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