Monday, April 20, 2015

HoC Bk1 Characters: Z and Piedee, King & Queen of Hearts

Name: Zelotes Card, King of Hearts
Relationship Status: Married (See Piedee)
Race: Magick
Spark: Magic Born
Suit: Heart ♥/ Diamond ♦
Card Rank: King
Occupation: King of Hearts, Head Monarch of all the Suits.
Known Talent: Ruling, court tactics, motorcycle riding
Current Status: Alive
Nickname: King “Z”
Last known location: Heart Palace

Name: Piedee, Queen of Hearts
Relationship Status: Married (See Zelotes)
Race: Magick
Spark: Magic Born
Suit: Heart ♥ ♥ (Double)
Card Rank: Queen 
Occupation: Queen of Hearts, Head Monarch of all the Suits.
Known Talent: Motorcycle riding, popping wheelies, doing daring stunts
Known Habits: Shelling peanuts (or any nut) and tossing it everywhere (mostly to annoy Taps). Being in random spots at random times.
Current Status: Alive
Nickname: Wheels (Taps)
Last known location: On her bike, heading to Bak’s Bike Shop to pick up some greased quicksilver.

*Author's Note: Since Piedee's hair is knee length, her helmet has a special enchantment that keeps her hair out of her line of sight.

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