Monday, June 1, 2015

HoC Bk1 SKS: Student Badges

SKS Student Badges

Each student is given a colorless chimera holo-badge when they come to school. With a suit symbol that appears above it.

The suit (Heart, Diamond, Club, or Spade) is based off of the student's inherited dominant suit.

Each head of the Chimera stands for 4 years of school:

Double-horned Ram:
Sabertoothed Lion:
King Cobra:
9-12th + Honor Project

As the student completes their years, the heads will gain color.

Once a student completes all 12 years, the badges' white wings will turn rainbow, symbolizing the students are full of promise:

Honors Project:
Students are required to work for a year on their Honors Project. This project has to be the students best work and of their own design. The student will be graded on their presentation, the projects performance, and how well their project can help benefit magical life.
Visiting monarchs, the current principal, and people in high positions will be there (consider it a job fair). If the student passes their Honors Project, their suit symbol will gain a gold stamp and they will be hired on the spot. If not, they will have to go job hunting.

Alumni (Graduates):
Are required to return and teach one class that they specialize in.

Back to Starlight Key School

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