Thursday, November 7, 2019

Sarah's Genealogy Chart - Spoiler (Bk2)

If anyone was curious about Sarah's true heritage, here it is. 

We mention Sarah's parents briefly in book 1, the beginning of book 2, and a small bit in book 6.  The reason why Levi and Jenny aren't in their crowns is because they were on the run.

As for her grandparents, there are two points queen Eloise is mentioned, once in book 3 and again in book 6. (I also mention her in the new update I gave for the "Maddening/Miracle Millie" chapters that had been edited out for book 6. If you want to read it, be warned, there are tons of spoilers in there!)

I've fleshed out Eloise quite a bit for Taps' prequels. But Encil is still a mystery to me at this point. No doubt he'll make himself known the more I work on the stories.

-T. Erickson

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