Tuesday, June 2, 2015

HoC Bk1 Characters: Kory & Lori Williams

Name: Kory Williams
Relationship Status: Married. (See Lori below)
Race: Magick
Spark: Magic Born
Suit: Club ♣ ♣ (Double)
Card Rank: 9
Occupation: Co-owner of Guns & Roses. Weapons Smith.
Known Talent: Making magical weapons.
Known Habits: Likes overalls.
Awards/RecognitionSKS Alumni.1st Knight of the Tapestry Realm.
Current Status: Alive.
Last known location: SKS

SKS Badge:

Name: Lori Goodchild Williams
Relationship Status: Married. (See Kory above)
Race: Magick
Spark: Magic Born
Suit: Spade ♠/ Heart ♥
Card Rank: 9
Occupation: Co-owner of Guns & Roses.
Known Talent: Plants
Awards/Recognition: Knight of the Tapestry Realm (KoTR).
Current Status: Alive
Last known location: Unknown

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