Monday, June 1, 2015

HoC Bk1 SKS: Teacher/Staff Badges

SKS Teacher/Staff Badges

Each staff member has a colored chimera holo-badge which appear above their left breast when they walk into the doors of the school. It will disappear when they leave.

The symbol of their suit will appear in the upper curve of the "S".

For those who wish to show both suits they belong to, or if they are a double suit, they may display the second suit with pride in the lower "S" curve. Each suit has a selection of four:





Staff benefits:
-Watching your students succeed. (What could be more rewarding?)
-High pay. (You're required to be the best and be on guard; who knows what your students will bring into class?)
-Contact with upper authorities, thinkers, magicaniks, warriors, etc. (Expand your social circle and your curriculum)
-End of the School Year party. (White elephant gifts that include but are not limited to: all expenses-paid vacation to a destination of your choice for 2 weeks, a ancient magical object, or a meeting with a magical celebrity. Everyone gets something!)

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